(주)하남전자 CI

Symbol of Hanam Electronics is modeled after the shape of two "ㅎ"s, the first consonant of "Hanam" in Korean, in cursive type that are slightly rotated left and right. It is also similar to the shape of cursive letter “H” to express our will to push into the world market in the harmony of the East and the West.

In addition, the combination shape of two “ㅎ” letters left and right sharing the round circle stands for harmonious atmosphere between management and labor and firm unity, while dynamically stretching shapes in four direction symbolize permanent development of Hanam Electronics.

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  • Symbol mark

    • 심볼마크
  • Logo Type / Korean

    • 로고타입/국문
  • Logo Type / English

    • 로고타입/영문
  • Application example