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구분 성명 직급 전화번호 이메일
해외 영업 임형식 부장 062-958-5051 hsim@hanam.co.kr
국내영업 조명훈 과장 062-958-5072 hoon@hanam.co.kr
  • Overseas Sales

    Mr. Hyungsik Im
    - TEL : +82-62-958-5051
    - H.P :+82-10-3617-8816
    - E-MAIL : hsim@hanam.co.kr
  • Domestic Sales

  • Al-Coil/Coiled Plate/Circle :Mr. Myoungkyu Sun
    - TEL : +82-62-958-5052
    - H.P : +82-10-5602-1815
    - E-MAIL : mksun@hanam.co.kr
  • Al-Case :Mr. Myeonghun Jo
    - TEL : +82-62-958-5072
    - H.P : +82-10-9221-6638
    - E-MAIL : hoon@hanam.co.kr

On-Line Inquiry

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We will reply to your questions as soon as possible.

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